Oakmont NJ Tick Control
Fact - Ticks are vectors, they carry and transmit human diseases and New Jersey is home to 4 of them!Ticks are just as deadly a threat as they easily travel across outdoor landscapes and latching onto pets that enter our homes and take root on a human host. Tick borne illnesses are on the rise in the US and spreading Lyme disease, Erlichiosis, Deadly Bourbon Disease (only in the US, no know treatment 100% mortality), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other tick-borne diseases – Oakmonts NJ Tick Control programs will put your mind at ease knowing your children are now safe in the own back yard!
Oakmont Environmental is here to protect You, Your Family and the Environment and stop the tick invasion before it starts.
Unlike mosquitoes and bed bugs, ticks don’t grab a blood meal and leave their hosts. Ticks have fish hook-like projections that dig into the skin of their host and hold tight to feed on your blood for hours, days or even weeks.
As with all our Oakmont the goal of NJ Tick Control is to Restore the Natural Order by keeping mice where they want to stay – outdoors! Keeping mice in their natural outdoor habitat also keeps the Tick population down to an acceptable level that poses no to little threat to humans. This is all part of the Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach that we follow at Oakmont Environmental with everything we do!
At Oakmont Environmental our philosophy is simple; use 21st century technology today so our children and grandchildren can enjoy an environmentally safe tomorrow

Common NJ Ticks That We Target
American Dog Tick
Although it is normally found on dogs, this tick will readily attack larger animals, such as cattle, horses, and even humans. The 8-legged adult is a vector of the pathogens causing Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and tularemia, and can cause canine tick paralysis. The Oakmont NJ Tick Control is designed to attack ticks before they hatch and keep killing ticks all summer long – combined with our Oakmont Repellagation system keeps neighboring ticks,mosquitoes and fleas from drifting onto your property and infecting you – for the ultimate mosquito protection ask about ZIKA 911. Oakmont Env is the exclusive NJ licensee for ZIKA 911.
Deer (Blacklegged) Tick
In the United States, the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis Say affects the greatest number of people for three principal reasons: their geographic distribution coincides in the northeastern United States with the greatest concentration of humans; spirochete infection rates are high, often exceeding 25%; and the geographical range of the tick is spreading. The Oakmont NJ Tick Control is designed to attack ticks before they hatch and keep killing ticks all summer long – combined with our Oakmont Repellagation system keeps neighboring ticks,mosquitoes and fleas from drifting onto your property and infecting you – for the ultimate mosquito protection ask about ZIKA 911. Oakmont Env is the exclusive NJ licensee for ZIKA 911.
Brown Dog Tick
Although R. sanguineus will feed on a wide variety of mammals, dogs are the preferred host in the U.S. and appear to be required to develop large infestations.
Infestations in houses can explode to very high levels quickly. Typically, a few ticks are brought into the house or kennel, often on a dog which has been away from home. The early stages of the infestation, when only a few individuals are present, are often missed completely. The first indication the dog owner has that there is a problem is when they start noticing ticks crawling up the walls or curtains! The Oakmont NJ Tick Control is designed to attack ticks before they hatch and keep killing ticks all summer long – combined with our Oakmont Repellagation system keeps neighboring ticks,mosquitoes and fleas from drifting onto your property and infecting you – for the ultimate mosquito protection ask about ZIKA 911. Oakmont Env is the exclusive NJ licensee for ZIKA 911.
Lone Star Tick
The tick was first considered a nuisance as it does not transmit the etiological agent of Lyme disease, but more recent studies have shown that this species can transmit various other pathogens to humans and other animals, such as those that cause ehrlichiosis, rickettsiosis, tularemia, and theileriosis. The Oakmont NJ Tick Control is designed to attack ticks before they hatch and keep killing ticks all summer long – combined with our Oakmont Repellagation system keeps neighboring ticks,mosquitoes and fleas from drifting onto your property and infecting you – for the ultimate mosquito protection ask about ZIKA 911. Oakmont Env is the exclusive NJ licensee for ZIKA 911.