Oakmont Beetle Control - Now KIll Carpet Beetles NJ Chemical Free
Common NJ Beetles include Carpet, Wood Boring and Non-Wood Boring BeetlesFor Beetle prevention we adhere to strict Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) principles that is only one way Oakmont serves its Residential customers by using as few pesticides as possible.
Oakmont Env creates Perimeter Barriers using lower impact synthetics and Active Baiting Technologies instead of just spraying pesticides to prevent an infestation. Once all the invaders are gone it is much easier to keep them out again with a solid IPM approach.
In the case of an existing infestation we have several ways to KILL Carpet Beetles NJ – 100% Chemical Free Heat, a Hybrid of Heat and LOW Impact Synthetics or traditional chemical.

Pre-existing Wood Boring and Carpet Beetles
For New Customers of Oakmont Environmental who are unfortunate enough to have Wood Boring or Carpet Beetles in your home Oakmont uses two methods to rid you of them:
- Synthetic chemicals and a True IPM approach
- A Green Hybrid approach with a mix of Thermal & Synthetic Pest Control for FASTER Results
- A 100% Chemical Free Thermal Heat Solution to KILL Carpet Beetles NJ
Both our Green Hybrid and 100% Chemical Free Solutions use the thermal mortality of the targeted species, our Green Hybrid combine’s a species specific synthetic residual to prevent re-infestation and is an exclusive Oakmont Environmental product.
We refer to it as a “ONE & DONE” Wood Boring and Carpet Beetle Treatment NJ to get your cotton and wood damage problems under control because there is simply no other method to kill, get rid of or knock down a greater percentage of the Wood Boring and Carpet Beetle population in such a short period of time.
The advantages of a “ONE & DONE” Green Hybrid approach over traditional treatments to Kill Wood BorIng and Kill Carpet Beetles NJ is numerous such as:
- Initial Treatment completed in 1 day with same day results
- No Prep as initial treatment uses ZERO Chemicals
- KILLS ALL STAGES of Wood Boring & Carpet Beetles in treated areas
After we have conducted our systematic thermal Wood Boring and Carpet Beetle genocide we can start a strict Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program using as few pesticides as possible. Oakmont will create Perimeter Barriers using lower impact synthetics and Active Baiting Technologies and that will keep the Wood Boring and Carpet Beetles from returning!
Common NJ Beetles That We Target
Carpet Beetles
Beginning in 1948 several groups of dermatologists reported on case histories involving dermatitis caused by contact with carpet beetles (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). These patients experienced multiple symptoms that included itching, pruritic, and papulovesicular eruptions. Biopsies and clinical tests confirmed that the hairs of carpet beetle larvae in the genera Anthrenus, Attagenus, Dermestes or Trogoderma caused these reactions.
Various reports describe, what appears to be an acquired allergic reaction to carpet beetle larval hairs and hemolymph (insect blood). These hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by complaints of being bitten by something causing an intense itching and rash.
Additionally, in some patients, irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes may develop. Apparently, only individuals that have long-term exposure (years) to these hairs become sensitized.
Most carpet beetles can fly and as such are good candidates to infest homes from spring through the early fall. Most infestations, however, are brought into residences via contaminated foodstuffs. The larvae will feed on a wide variety of animal by-products. Some of the potential food sources for carpet beetle larvae include: dried pet food, museum specimens, hides, dried fish, feathers, felt, lint/hair in return-air ducts, dead insects, dried carcasses, seeds, grains, cereals, woolen rugs/clothing, silk, furs velvet, spices, bee/wasp nests, horn, corn meal, fish meal, potato chips and many others too numerous to mention. Not all carpet beetles will infest such a wide range of items. Some prefer dried carcasses.
Others might prefer dead insects such as those in entomological museums or overwintering pests like lady beetles, stink bugs, cluster flies that become trapped within the walls, ceilings and attics of homes. Still others have preferences for grain products
Cigarette Beetles
In Pennsylvania, the cigarette beetle is an important pest of dried plant materials such as herbs, spices, and dried flowers.
Adult cigarette beetles live 2 to 4 weeks. Adult females lay as many as 100 eggs singly on food materials. The eggs are white and oval-shaped and hatch in 6 to 10 days. After hatching, the larvae tunnel through the food material, causing destruction of the grain and contamination. They become fully grown in 30 to 50 days and enter the pupal stage, which lasts 8 to 10 days or more, depending on the temperature. Pupae are covered by a silken cocoon and bits of their food material. The entire life cycle may take from 45 to 50 days.
The developmental period from egg to adult is quite variable, but typically takes 6 to 8 weeks under favorable conditions.
This is the most important insect pest of stored tobacco. Package and chewing tobaccos, cigars, and cigarettes that have been attacked by cigarette beetles have holes eaten through the tobacco. Cigarette beetle adults and larvae also are omnivorous pests of other stored products. They can be found in stored grains, where they feed on debris or dead insects and damage the grain.
Their main impact in households is on stored commodities, such as spices, rice, ginger, raisins, pepper, drugs, seeds, and dried flower arrangements. They even feed on pyrethrum powder strong enough to kill cockroaches
Confused Flour Beetles
Adults and larvae feed on broken kernels and fine-grind materials in granaries, mills, warehouses, and other places where grain or grain products are stored. A closely related species, the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), is often found associated with the confused flour beetle. These two species are difficult to distinguish, particularly in the larval stage of development.
On-farm grain storage, particularly of corn, is increasing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Stored grains offer ample food sources for a number of insect pests. Good storage management practices are aimed at excluding grain feeding insects while maintaining grain quality. Grain that has not been screened of fine materials and broken kernels is particularly susceptible to attack by these two species of insects.
The longer grain is held in storage, the greater the need to maintain good management practices, such as sanitation and residual sprays. When proper management is ignored, populations of insects which have been feeding and reproducing in grain residues are free to infest new grain.
Once in the new grain, the insects continue to eat and reproduce. Substantial numbers of grain-infesting insects can reduce grain weight and quality. The presence of live insects can result in dockage or rejection of the grain.
Old House Borer Beetles
The old house borer is native to North Africa and is believed to have arrived in North America around 1875. The beetles currently range from Maine to Florida and west to Michigan and Texas.
The adult beetles emerge mainly during July and August. They mate, then the female deposits her eggs in the natural cracks and crevices of the bark of felled logs and in wood stored in lumberyards. Subsequently, infested timber may be used in newly constructed buildings. In wood, the larval stage may last from three to fifteen years. The average time for the borers to reach maturity in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania (in structures heated year long) appears to be from five to seven years.
The majority of borers are secreted in the thicker timbers of a building. Very few ever have been located in wood less than one-inch thick. Nearly all the structural infestations in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania are started by old house borer larvae in some of the original construction timber.
Most infestations remain localized. However, where excessive wood moisture is found, such as poorly vented attics and leaky roofs, beetles will flourish, spread to other structural items and cause much damage in a short period of time.
Powder Post Beetles
Adult beetles deposit eggs in the pores and exit holes of seasoned lumber, usually in the spring. The mature larvae are small, white grubs about 1/5-inch in length. They produce the fine sawdust mentioned previously. The larvae overwinter in the wood and reach their adult stage in spring.
Adult beetles emerge from the wood through small round exit holes. Powderpost beetles prefer the sapwood of oak and other hardwoods and many of the insects will continue to breed in an infested piece of wood for generations. This practice can result in an ultimate destruction of the wood.
Wharf Borer Beetles
The adult beetles can be identified via a black band across the end of both elytra, or wing covers. In addition, wharf borers can be distinguished from other members of the Oedemeridae family via the presence of a single spur on the tibia of the forelegs, and the distance between both eyes (twice the length of one eye). Eggs are oviposited on rotten wood where larvae hatch and burrow to feed on rotten wood.
Adults do not feed and depend on stored energy reserves accumulated during the larval stage. They are considered to be a pest because they damage wood used in building infrastructures.
Ground Beetles
Conserving ground beetles through habitat manipulations and cultural practices can enhance the natural regulation of arthropod pest and weed populations, reducing the need for chemical controls. Carabid beetles are an incredibly diverse group of insects with over 40,000 species worldwide, 2,000 of which inhabit North America. Adult ground beetles range in size from 2mm to over 35mm (about 1/8 inch to 1 ¼ inch). Many of the nocturnal species are dark black or brown; these are the ones that scurry away for cover when you turn over a dirt clod, rock, or log. Ground beetles can be distinguished from darkling beetles, which are also dark colored and reside on the soil surface, by how fast they move. Diurnal (day- active) species tend to be iridescent and brightly colored or patterned. Carabid beetles typically have long legs, which allow them to move rapidly to capture prey and avoid other predators.
Carabid beetles live in nearly every available habitat, although some species are associated with particular ecosystems, like meadows, woodlands, or crop fields. Due to the habitat specificity of some species, these beetles can be used as biological indicators to assess land use changes among different ecosystems. Carabid beetles employ a wide variety of ecological strategies, however some generalizations can be made to represent the majority of species. Carabid beetles exhibit complete metamorphosis. This means that the insect passes through four separate stages of growth: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. On average, carabid beetles produce one generation per year. After finding a suitable site, females will singly deposit between 30 and 600 oval eggs within the soil or in the layer of plant residues on the soil surface. Protected egg sites are very important because young larvae have limited mobility for finding food and their relatively soft bodies are vulnerable to predators.
Parental care, including egg guarding and seed cacheing, has been observed in some species that produce small litters. Species are sometimes distinguished as either having winter or summer larvae. Larvae live entirely under the soil surface, where they pupate usually after three larval stages. Adults can live between one and four years. Larger species, as well as those that over-winter as larvae, tend to have the longest life spans (Lovei and Sunderland 1996). While many ground beetle species have functional wings, flight is used primarily for dispersal, such that they spend nearly their entire lives on the ground.
Some have also been observed climbing plants in search of prey. Carabid beetles are considered to be mostly opportunistic feeders that consume a variety of foods; however, the majority of species have been observed as primarily predatory, feeding on other insects and related organisms. Most species locate food by random search, although some day-active (diurnal) species hunt by sight.
A few species have also been observed to detect chemical cues from springtails, mollusks, and aphids (Lovei and Sunderland 1996). Females tend to have a more varied diet than males. A greater diversity of food types in females has been linked to greater egg size and egg number (Lovei and Sunderland 1996). Larvae and adults typically have similar feeding habits; however, larval diets are more restricted due to a limited search range underground. The natural diets of carabid beetles are still widely undetermined.
Laboratory studies have shown that carabid beetles will eat nearly anything offered, however they typically show food preferences and it is unclear whether or not these feeding habits are typical in nature (Larochelle 1990, Tooley and Brust 2002). Prey preferences can change throughout their life cycle based on nutritional needs or a change in the resources or environment.