Oakmont Mosquito & Tick Control
Mosquitos are resilient pests and have the reputation of being the biggest killer on the planet – the most deadly creature in the world.
At Oakmont Environmental, our most popular mosquito control treatment is our barrier protection spray program to protect your family from deadly mosquitos!

Oakmont Tick Control
Unlike mosquitoes and bed bugs, ticks don’t grab a blood meal and leave their hosts. Ticks have fish hook-like projections that dig into the skin of their host and hold tight to feed on your blood for hours, days or even weeks.
At Oakmont Environmental, we utilize a High Tech combination of a liquid barrier spray treatment and the installation of Biodegradable Tick tubes with treated cotton inside placed around your property. Mice gather the cotton for bedding and return it to their nesting areas where it delivers a tick controlling insecticide. Most Ticks get their first blood meals from mice, and when Ticks are exposed to the treated cotton they are eliminated.
As with all our Oakmont services our goal is to Restore the Natural Order by keeping mice where they want to stay – outdoors! Keeping mice in their natural outdoor habitat also keeps the Tick population down to an acceptable level that poses no to little threat to humans. This is all part of the Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach that we follow at Oakmont Environmental with everything we do!
Our Mosquito & Tick Control