Oakmont Ant Control
Adhering to these strict Green IPM principles is only one way Oakmont serves both Residential and Business customers better. We also try to use as few pesticides as possible. Instead, we use a hybrid blend of organic, synthetic and nutritional products working in harmony with your surroundings to control invasive insect species But be certain we will Kill Ants NJ!
With ABS, when the insects feed on the bait they will deliver a lethal meal back to their colonies and nests for complete elimination – we will Kill Ants NJ.
Advantages of Ant Active Baiting Stations include:
- Faster bait delivery- bait available to insect from Day One.
- Highly durable bait matrix is available 24/7/365 to insects
- Provide a formidable proactive line of defense for your home or business
- One bait station has enough active ingredient to eliminate an entire colony!

Common NJ Ants That We Target
Acrobat Ants
Outdoors, acrobat ants can feed on honeydew from aphids, mealybugs, and live or dead insects. They are typically found under rocks, or in logs, firewood, and trees. These ants prefer nesting in moist wood softened by decay or fungi. Occasionally, acrobat ants will strip the insulation from electrical or telephone wires causing short circuits.
Inside a structure, acrobat ants can feed on sweets and high-protein foods (meats). They may nest in wall voids, baseboards, or door and window framing particularly if it has been damaged by moisture or previously infested with other insects. They may even enlarge cavities formed by other insects such as old galleries of termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-infesting insects. Rigid board insulation used to construct walls of many newer homes also is an attractive nesting site for acrobat ants.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://www.clemson.edu/cafls/departments/esps/factsheets/household_structural/acrobat_ants_hs40.html
Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh Ants have been carried by commerce to all inhabited regions of the earth. This ant, which is probably a native of Africa, does not nest outdoors except in southern latitudes and has been able to adapt to field conditions in southern Florida. In colder climates, it has become established in heated buildings.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/ants/pharaoh_ant.htm
Little Black Ants
Little Black Ants are scavengers that will consume anything from bird droppings to dead insects. Workers may forage in households, but nest in soil mounds. It also tends aphids such as the soybean aphid, harvesting honeydew.
During mid-summer the queens and males perform the nuptial flight, mating in midair. The males die shortly after. Each queen constructs a new nest, sheds its wings, and lays eggs. The development from egg to adult takes about a month.
In a laboratory setting queens were found to live about one year and workers about four months
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://lancaster.unl.edu/pest/ants/littleant.shtml
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants play an important role in the forest ecosystem. They are responsible for excavating and breaking down wood. It is this behavior that gives them their common name. They do not eat wood like termites, but tunnel into wood to make a nest. One sign that carpenter ants are present is a pile of wood shavings outside a hole or opening. The wood shavings will be coarse and there will be insect parts mixed among them. The ants form a network of galleries in the wood, often across the grain, where they live. The colony is protected, inside in the wood.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://www.clemson.edu/cafls/departments/esps/factsheets/household_structural/carpenter_ants_hs09.html
Citronella Ants
Both the larger and the smaller yellow ant are found throughout much of the continental United States. They are very common in the eastern United States and are frequently confused with termites when they swarm into the living areas of homes. In both species, the swarmers (winged ants) may vary in color from the more common light yellow to a dark reddish-yellow or light brown. The workers are typically yellow with less color variation than the swarmers.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/citronella-ants
Field Ants
Field ants are the largest group of ants, and as such, they are very diverse. Therefore, few generalizations can be made. They are found around structures, but do not often invade homes. They nest in soil, constructing mounds that usually do not exceed the height of the grass.
Nests also may be found under lawn and wood debris such as firewood piles, bricks, lawn ornaments, and other protected places. These types of locations should be inspected carefully for colonies when conducting control efforts. The primary food source of many field ants is honey-dew from plant-sucking insects such as aphids, mealy-bugs, and plant scales (Fig.3). However, some species are scavengers and predators.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://www.clemson.edu/cafls/departments/esps/factsheets/household_structural/field_ants_hs49.html
Odorous House Ants
Odorous house ants can develop extremely large colonies but tend to maintain colonies of only several thousand workers with many queens. Winged reproductives appear in May through July. Workers are very active and move rapidly in single files. They mostly prefer sweets but will also feed on dead insects and grease. Nests are typically found outside under rocks, boards and the like, but can also next within structures. Colonies are from hundreds to many thousands of individuals in size.
Odorous house ants will nest indoors near sources of moisture and warmth, in voids, but also in termite-damaged wood. Their ability to feed on many types of food brings them into conflict with us when they contaminate stored products in the pantry.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/odorous-house-ant
Pavement Ants
The pavement ant is a soil-nesting species that currently has a distribution from New England to the Midwest, and south through the Mid-Atlantic States to Tennessee.
Most colonies are located under sidewalks, building slabs, and large rocks. Ants enter buildings through cracks in foundation walls and interior slabs. It is common to see sand piles and small soil particles in structures near cracks in concrete slabs or at the top of foundation walls where the ants deposit debris from excavated nests. Similar piles are seen in the warmer months at the cracks in sidewalks.
Pavement ants feed on a wide variety of food. Sweets, including sugar, nectar, fruits, and syrups are readily taken. Grease, dead insects, and small seeds also are collected and stored in the nest. Nearly any morsel of food that falls to the floor will be consumed.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/pavement-ant
Thief Ants
Thief Ant colonies may have up to several thousand workers and multiple queens. They tend to nest in or close to the nests of other ants and will steal food and larvae (as food). There is a strong preference for protein, as thief ants will feed on animal carcasses, but they are also attracted to sweets.
Thief ants will enter structures through cracks in the foundation or small openings in woodwork and commonly during hot weather. They forage in trails throughout a structure seeking protein, sweets and liquid. Outdoors they nest under objects and in soil.
At Oakmont We KILL ANTS NJ!
For more detailed information: http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/thief-ant