Commercial Pest Control NJ Services
At Oakmont Commercial Environments we take Pest Control very seriously and we handle it differently than many of our competitors. At Oakmont Commercial pest Control NJ we understand that insects come from the outdoors and are not indigenous to indoors. But we realize that most commercial, industrial or institutional spaces maybe more hospitable than the outdoors. Once bugs come in they don’t want to go back outdoors!
The Oakmont Environmental Approach
The first step in our Commercial Pest Control NJ Program is to Restore the Natural Order making insects want to stay outdoors, where they belong. This is all part of the Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach that we follow at Oakmont Commercial Pest Control NJ, which mandates that we perform the following:
Integrating Controls
Adhering to these strict Green IPM principles is only one way Oakmont Commercial Environments serves its Business customers better. We also try to use as few pesticides as possible. Instead, we use a hybrid blend of organic, synthetic and nutritional products working in harmony with your surroundings to control invasive insect species. The Oakmont IPM Commercial Pest Control NJ program calls for the use of more ABS (Active Baiting Station) technologies instead of just spraying pesticides that can wash down and into our watersheds. With ABS we place baits around your home or business that insects find delicious to lure away from the places they should not be, like inside your house, landscapes and beds. With ABS, when the insects feed on the bait they will deliver a lethal meal back to their colonies and nests for complete elimination.
Advantages of Active Baiting Stations include
- Faster bait delivery- bait available to insect from Day One.
- Highly durable bait matrix is available 24/7/365 to insects
- Provide a formidable proactive line of defense for your home or business
- One bait station has enough active ingredient to eliminate an entire colony

Oakmont's Commercial Pest Control NJ Custom Tailored Programs Include:
- Multiple Exterior Insect/Rodent Active Bait Station Installation
- Multiple Interior Insect/Rodent Active Bait Station Installation
- Cob / Spider Web Dusting and Removal
- Hepa-Vac Insect Removal
- Termite Monitoring and Active Bait Stations
- Lawn Feeding w/ Organic, Synthetic and Nutritional products
- Lawn Insect and Weed control
- Investment Landscape and Bloom Feeding w/Organic, Synthetic and Nutritional products
- Investment Landscape and Bed Insect and Weed control
- Hardscape, Paver, Driveway & Sidewalk Weeding
- All inclusive program, no charge to you for in between visits.
Additional Features and Benefits:
- Bi-Monthly Exterior Service (in season) and Quarterly Interior Service
- EZ payment billing program.
- Comprehensive exterior pest management – interception of pest activity before they enter your home.
- No appointments needed for exterior treatments – no stress on your schedule.
- More coverage, more brand name “Green” products
- Maintain a “Blue” status and Stop the Spread of Dead Zones in Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean County, NJ
Learn About How We Treated Specific Pests.

Common Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean County NJ Pests That We Target.

- Acrobat Ant
- Carpenter Ant
- Pharaoh Ant
- Citronella Ant
- Harvester Ant
- Little Black Ant
- Field Ant
- Odorous House Ant
- Pavement Ant
- Thief Ant
- Brown Recluse Spider
- House Spider
- Funnel Web Spider
- Ground Spider
- Pouncing Spider
- Wolf Spider
- Milk Spider
- Yellow Sac Spider
Beetles, Cockroaches, Moths & Termites
- Eastern Subterranean Termite
- Confused Flour Beetle
- Cigarette Beetle
- Box Elder Bug
- American Cockroach
- Brown Branded Cockroach
- German Cockroach
- Indian Meal Moths