Oakmont Moth Control
Moth Control at Oakmont Environmental is handled differently, we understand that Moths belong outdoors and are not indigenous to your indoors or outdoor recreation areas and therefore should be there.
The Oakmont first step in our Moth control program is to Restore the Natural Order making insects want to stay outdoors in the soil, where they belong.
This is all part of the Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach that we follow at Oakmont Environmental, which mandates that we perform the following: Monitoring, Educating, Communicating, Integrating Controls, Thresholds and Evaluation.
Adhering to these strict Green IPM principles is only one way Oakmont serves both Residential and Business customers better. We also try to use as few pesticides as possible. Instead, we use a hybrid blend of organic, synthetic and nutritional products working in harmony with your surroundingsto control invasive insect species.
The Oakmont IPM Moth Control program calls for the use of more ABS (Active Baiting Station) technologies instead of just spraying pesticides that can wash down and into our watersheds. With ABS we place baits around your home or business that Ants find delicious to lure away from the places they should not be, like inside your house, landscapes and beds.
With ABS, when the insects feed on the bait they will deliver a lethal meal back to their colonies and nests for complete elimination. Advantages of Moth Active Baiting Stations include:
- Faster bait delivery- bait available to insect from Day One.
- Highly durable bait matrix is available 24/7/365 to insects
- Provide a formidable proactive line of defense for your home or business
- One bait station has enough active ingredient to eliminate an entire colony

Unique Green Treatment for Clothing Moths
Only Oakmont offers a unique Green Hybrid Clothing Moth the thermal mortality of the targeted species with a species specific synthetic residual to prevent re-infestation and is an exclusive Oakmont Environmental product.
We refer to its a “ONE & DONE” Clothing Moth Treatment to get your clothing damage problem under control because there is simply no other method to killall of the Clothing Moth population in such a short period of time. The advantages of a “ONE & DONE” Green Hybrid approach over traditional treatments is numerous such as:
- Treatment completed in ONE day
- NO PREP as treatment uses ZERO Chemicals
- KILLS ALL STAGES of Clothing Moths
- Whole Houses, Condos, Townhomes, Apartments – No Problem
- High-Rises up to 35 stories can now be treated with Clothing Moth HEAT
- No need to throw anything out!
- DISCRETE with all unmarked vehicles
After we have conducted our systematic thermal Clothing Moth genocide we can start a strict Green IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program using as few pesticides as possible. Oakmont will create Perimeter Barriers using lower impact synthetics and Active Baiting Technologies and that will keep the Clothing Moth from returning!
Common NJ Moths That We Target
Angoumois Grain Moths
Occasionally found in New Jersey and Pennsylvania feeding on corn stored on the ear. Damage by this insect is minimal in shelled corn. However, the larval stage of this insect more commonly feeds within kernels of other gains. Grain infested by the angoumois grain moth larvae has an unpleasant smell, and is less attractive for consumption.
Most problems with the angoumois grain moth in corn occur in crib-stored ears, although the infestation may have begun in the field. Corn infested in the field may harbor larvae feeding within corn kernels.
When the newly harvested, infested corn is cribbed, the larvae continue to develop, pupate, and emerge as adults, which in turn deposit eggs on uninfested kernels. Several generations of the insect can be completed during prolonged warm falls, resulting in a large portion of the grain being damaged.
Angoumois grain moth larvae feed on a number of whole kernel grains. Their feeding causes a reduction in grain weight and quality. Heavily infested grain smells bad and is less attractive for consumption. Corn cribs infested with this insect will contain ears with small holes on individual kernels. Ears throughout the crib will be infested. In bins, however, only the top few inches of grain will be infested.
Clothing Moths
Tineola bisselliella, known as the common clothes moth, webbing clothes moth, or simply clothing moth, is a species of fungus moth (family Tineidae, subfamily Tineinae). It is the type species of its genus Tineola. The larvae (caterpillars) of this moth are considered a serious pest, as they can derive nourishment from clothing – in particular wool, but many other natural fibers – and also, like most related species, from stored foods, such as grains.
Clothing Moths are notorious for feeding on clothing and natural fibers; they have the ability to digest keratin protein in wool and silk. The moths prefer dirty fabric for oviposition and are particularly attracted to carpeting and clothing that contains human sweat or other organic liquids which have been spilled onto them; traces of dirt may provide essential nutrients for larval development. Larvae are attracted to these areas not only for the food but for traces of moisture; they do not require liquid water.
The range of recorded foodstuffs includes cotton, linen, silk and wool fabrics as well as furs. They will eat synthetic fibers if they are blended with wool. Furthermore, they have been found on shed feathers and hair, bran, semolina and flour (possibly preferring wheat flour), biscuits, casein, and insect specimens in museums. In one case, living T. bisselliella caterpillars were found in salt. They had probably accidentally wandered there, as even to such a polyphagous species as this one pure sodium chloride has no nutritional value and is in fact a strong desiccant, but this still attests to their robustness.
Unfavorable temperature and humidity can slow development, but will not always stop it. Both adults and larvae prefer low light conditions. Whereas many other Tineidae are drawn to light, common clothes moths seem to prefer dim or dark areas. If larvae find themselves in a well-lit room, they will try to relocate under furniture or carpet edges.
Handmade rugs are a favorite, because it is easy for the larvae to crawl underneath and do their damage from below. They will also crawl under moldings at the edges of rooms in search of darkened areas where fibrous debris has gathered and which consequently hold good food.
Indian-Meal Moths
One of the most commonly reported pests of stored grains in the United States. In New Jersey and Pennsylvania it is not a major problem, but can be troublesome occasionally. Larvae of the Indian meal moth feed upon grains, grain products, dried fruits, nuts, cereals, and a variety of processed food products.
The Indian meal moth is also a common pantry pest. Direct damage to grain is the result of larvae feeding on the seed germ. In grain to be sold for human or animal consumption, meal moth feeding reduces the dry weight. At the same time, grain weight may actually increase because of water absorption; with an increase in water content mold can become a problem.
The biggest reduction in value is the result of contamination by larvae that leave droppings and silken webs in the grain. The presence of live insects and insect parts can result in dockage of the grain when sold.
Mediterranean Flour Moth
The Mediterranean flour moth can be found on a great variety of foodstuffs in addition to flour, grain residues (insect-infected grain, broken kernels, and dust), and various whole grains. Although this insect is not as serious a pest as the Indian meal moth and some of the grain infesting beetles, it still causes clogging of machinery with its webbing, and at times causes grain mill shut-downs. In recent times, the use of fumigants has greatly reduced the incidence of the Mediterranean flour moth.
The adult moth is a pale-gray color and from one-forth to one-half inch long, with a wingspread of slightly less than one inch. The wings are marked with two indistinct, black zigzag lines. The hindwings are a dirty white. When at rest, the moth extends the forelegs which raises the head and gives the body a sloping appearance. This posture is very distinctive and is a more reliable character for identification than the wing markings which may be rubbed off.